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After the Gaza war

With Nazmi Al-Jubeh, Hind Khoury and Marte Heian-Engdal

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Organised byLitteraturhuset

After Israel’s offensive in Gaza in 2014, Palestine and Israel has seen a growing cycle of violence. Can this increased violence be said to coincide with Benjamin Netanyahu’s term as Prime Minister? Donald Trump has also flagged a change in the US’ Israel policy under his presidency. How will this affect the stability in the country?

Nazmi Al-Jubeh is associate professor of history and archeology at Birzeit University, and the former director of the Islamic Museum – al-Haram al-Sharif, with extensive knowledge about the city’s holy sites. Hind Khoury is an economist and former Minister for Jerusalem Affairs for the Palestinian Authorities. Today she is the general secretary of Kairos Palestine, a Christian organization working to end Israel’s occupation.

In what ways can history help us understand today’s situation, and in what ways is this situation unprecedented? How can we understand the political developments we are seeing today, both in Jerusalem and internationally? Nazmi Al-Jubeh and Hind Khoury join senior researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Marte Heian-Engdal for a conversation.

English With Nazmi Al-Jubeh, Hind Khoury and Marte Heian-Engdal Wergeland Litteraturhuset Saladindagene 2017

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