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Book presentation: Urban Agriculture in Public Space

Welcome to the presentation of the anthology Urban Agriculture in Public Space. Planning and Designing for Human Flourishing in Northern European Cities and Beyond.


The publication is to be shortly released with Springer and will be available for a free download (Open Access).

The book is based on the outputs of a research project “Cultivating Public Space: urban agriculture as a basis for human flourishing and sustainability transition in Norwegian cities” funded by the Research Council of Norway, based at NMBU (2017-2022), uncovering research evidence of the transformative potential of urban agriculture to enhance human well-being and activate public life. The project’s inter-disciplinary perspectives reflected in this book range from urban planning to design, from public health to agroecology, and from human geography to philosophy.

Although the empirical focus of this publication is on Norway, specifically the Oslo region, our work branches out to include experiences and projects from Northern European countries like Denmark, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, including a short detour in the USA.

By including a diversity of voices and cultural perspectives, we wanted to make this book engaging and relevant to an international audience of researchers, policy makers, urban designers, planners, educators, community activists, residents, and public space users of the sustainable, compact city of today and the future.

The event will be conducted in English and take place at Litteraturhuset, Oslo (Skram room) on Friday 15th December. It will include presentations from the editors and some of the authors, and a short talk by our public sector partner. A more detailed program will be provided ca. 2 weeks prior to the event.

12.30 - 13.00 Snacks og kaffe

13.00 - 14.00 Bokpresentasjon

14.00 - 14.15 Kaffe

14.15 - 15.15 Bokpresentasjon

15.15 -15.30 Kaffe

15.30 - 16.30 Bokpresentasjon/ diskusjon

Det blir en mulighet til å fortsette med en informell diskusjon etter kl 16.30.

The individual organizer is responsible for the event and text, obtaining photo permission, and photo credit. For questions about content, participants, or other details, please contact the organizer directly.

Do you want to rent Skram?

This event will take place in Skram. Skram er den nest største salen på Litteraturhuset, lokalisert i andre etasje.

Bilde av salen Skram på Litteraturhuset med tomme stolrader

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