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Eduardo Halfon on Julio Cortázar

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Eduardo Halfon on Julio Cortázar

Julio Cortázar is a central name in the so-called Latin American boom of the 60s and 70s. Although mainly known for his many short stories, the Argentinian has also left us with the experimental and innovative novel Rayuela (Hopscotch in English), hailed as a landmark in the history of literature.

First published in 1963, the novel still influences readers and writers alike, among them the Guatemalan writer Eduardo Halfon. His novel The Polish Boxer is compiled of a number of components that vary with the different translations, making the Norwegian translation different from the French, German and English ones. All in accordance with Cortázar’s formalistic method, Halfon says.

In the series “literary guiding stars”, the House of Literature invites international writers and thinkers to talk about a writer by whom they have been influenced.

Friday, Sept 14, Halfon will talk about his own books with Mattis Øybø (, while on Saturday, Sept 15, Halfon will meet Marlon James and Ane Farsethås in conversation about language, identity, history and literature in Central America and the Caribbean. (

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