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The Unfree: Persecuted authors and censorship

Yasemin Çongar on censorship in Turkey and banned authors

Illustrasjonsbilde av kjente forfulgte forfattere
Foto: Claude Truong Ngoc, Cristoph Kockelmann, Hartwig Klappert, Richard Sennett, ukjent og Dusko Tosic

Lately, much attention has been given to political attacks on prestigious writers. The attempted murder of Salman Rushdie and the deplatforming of Adania Shibli at the Frankfurt Book Fair sparked international outrage and raised awareness of ongoing threats to individual writers today.

Far less attention is given to the fact that across the world, writers are prosecuted and jailed for their supposed dissidence to autocratic regimes. Turkey is among the world leaders in its number of jailed authors, a trend that increases wherever war and conflict can form a forgiving political climate.

What is the effect of political persecution on individual writers? And how does such a climate affect the writers who remain “free”?

For decades, Yasemin Çongar has been one of Turkey’s most renowned journalists and oppositional voices to the Turkish regime. Since 2016, she has herself been on trial for her journalism, and is still fighting a lengthy prison sentence.

In 2018, Çongar also founded the Kıraathane literature house in Istanbul, where she worked as director until March 2023. At Kıraathane, as well as through her work as a translator and writer, Çongar has helped raise awareness of the challenges faced by writers today.

Now, Çongar visits the House of Literature for a philosophical and personal lecture on freedom, creativity, and the transcendent power of literature.

The lecture will be in English.

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