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Whale Journey. Heart of Whale Conservation

Join us on an adventure to explore the world of whales and the plights they face today at the hands of humans.

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Organised byWhale Journey

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Bilde av arrangørene
Foto: Kathy Wismer

First and foremost we believe whales have an intrinsic value in themselves. Recognizing whales as sentient beings with inherent rights allowing them to roam freely in their natural habitat is directly linked to our own survival. This event intends to raise awareness about the protection of whales by intertwining stories, the latest science and the wisdom that whales impart to us.

A guest speaker from Ban Norwegian Whaling will join us and share about their whale conservation work and what is currently happening on this front in Norway.

The event will be held in Norwegian.

The individual organizer is responsible for the event and text, obtaining photo permission, and photo credit. For questions about content, participants, or other details, please contact the organizer directly.

Do you want to rent Kverneland?

This event will take place in Kverneland. Kverneland er en lys sal med utsikt mot Slottsparken.

Bilde av salen Kverneland på Litteraturhuset, med en stor veggillustrasjon som viser norske forfattere, tegnet av Steffen Kverneland.

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