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Food system innovations and climate change - microbial game-changers?

Welcome to a seminar exploring how microorganisms are driving innovation in sustainable food production and climate solutions.


Join us for an exciting seminar where leading researchers and industry experts will present their research and discuss the implications for these solutions in the food industry.

Humanity is facing immense challenges to improve the sustainability of our food production systems, in particular to produce healthier plant- and animal based food as well as mitigate anthropogenic emissions of climate gasses. Microorganisms are essential to all life on earth and play crucial, yet hidden roles that underpin agri- and aquaculture.

We welcome you to a full day seminar with presentations and discussions led by researchers and practitioners at the forefront of their fields. The objective of this seminar is to communicate how Norwegian scientists and industry are applying new technologies to harness the secrets of the microbial world and transform them into real-world solutions.

The morning session, open to the public, will feature talks on the broad application of microbial solutions in the food industry, culminating in a panel discussion on the topic.

In the afternoon, we’ll host a technical session tailored for industry professionals. This session will include presentations from the 3D-omics project, followed by an interactive and informal workshop.


More updates to the program will come

9.00: Open Public Session

  • Introduction of the seminar
  • Keynote: Kim Viggo Weiby (Animalia) and Angela Schwarm (NMBU)- The how, what and why of Bovaer, a direct-acting methane inhibitor being fed to dairy cattle in Europe: How it was developed, what impact it can have, and why industry is using it.
  • Lars Bakken (NMBU)- Microbial solutions to reduce Nitrous Oxide emission in Agriculture.
  • Paula Varela Tomasco (Nofima,NMBU) - Consumer perspective: consumers attitudes towards cultured meat and precision fermentations, both produced with the use of microorganisms and GMO.

10.45: Break

11.00: Panel discussion

  • Paula Varela Tomasco (Nofima, NMBU)
  • Kim Viggo Weiby (Animalia)
  • Hanne Fjerdingby Olsen (NMBU)

12.00: Lunsj

12.45: Technical session with Industry

  • Sabina Leanti La Rosa (NMBU)- The need for high-resolution gut microbiome characterization for sustainable food production.
  • Elisabeth Hiis (NMBU)- How novel microbes can reduce N2O emissions in soils.
  • Live Hagen (NMBU)- Feeding methane-reducing seaweed to Norwegian dairy cattle: potential and pitfalls.

14.45: Break

14.30: Informal Workshop

15.30: Conclusion and end of seminar at 16.00

The individual organizer is responsible for the event and text, obtaining photo permission, and photo credit. For questions about content, participants, or other details, please contact the organizer directly.

Do you want to rent Wergeland?

This event will take place in Wergeland. Wergeland is the main hall of the House of Literature and is located on the first floor.

Photo of the main hall of the House of Literature

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