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"For the Love of Cod"

Author Eric Dregni from Minnesota will present about his search for supposed Norwegian "happiness."

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Organised byEric Dregni

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Cover of For the Love of Cod by Eric Dregni
University of Minnesota Press

Norway is near the top of the World Happiness Report, but is it so happy? Eric Dregni had his doubts. He wrote about moving from Minnesota to Norway in In Cod We Trust. The Norwegian government paid for the birth of his child, gave them $5,000 and $150 each month for the baby. Happiness is more than a generous health care system, right? What about those grim months without sun? When Eilif turned 15, they returned together to investigate, and For the Love of Cod is their report on Norwegian “bliss.”

Contact: or mobile.: +1 612 236 5888

The individual organizer is responsible for the event and text, obtaining photo permission, and photo credit. For questions about content, participants, or other details, please contact the organizer directly.

Do you want to rent Kverneland?

This event will take place in Kverneland. Kverneland er en lys sal med utsikt mot Slottsparken.

Bilde av salen Kverneland på Litteraturhuset, med en stor veggillustrasjon som viser norske forfattere, tegnet av Steffen Kverneland.

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