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From Pain-slut to Dominatrix

Sofia Cerne shares her personal story, her journey in tantric BDSM.

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Organised byNytfestivalen

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Illustrasjon med logo og tidspunkt for Nytfestivalen 2023

What is the deal with pain play? Who actually has the power in a domination/submission relationship? Why would you want to give away your power? What does it take to be dominant?

These and many more questions will be covered when Sofia Cerne shares her personal story, her journey in tantric BDSM.


The individual organizer is responsible for the event and text, obtaining photo permission, and photo credit. For questions about content, participants, or other details, please contact the organizer directly.

Do you want to rent Wergeland?

This event will take place in Wergeland. Wergeland er Litteraturhusets storstue, med amfi og stolrader.

Bilde av Litteraturhusets hovedsal Wergeland

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