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Istanbul Seen from Below

With Burhan Sönmez and Janneken Øverland

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Organised byLitteraturhuset

The International Saladin Days 2019 With Burhan Sönmez and Janneken Øverland

In Istanbul, Istanbul by Turkish writer Burhan Sönmez, four political prisoners are held captive below the city. Afraid to expose each other under torture, they refrain from telling each other personal details. So what do they talk about?

Istanbul, Istanbul describes a city in two parallel versions; one above and one below ground. The novel consists of a number of anecdotes, riddles and stories from world literature and from the great city above the inmates’ heads. It is both an innovative prison novel and a portrait of a world city.
Sönmez will meet literary scholar and former editor Janneken Øverland in conversation.

The conversation will be in English.

Litteraturhuset Wergeland

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