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Conference on CRPD

Ending psychiatric coercion – urgent need for effective remedies and reparations


The aim of the human rights foundation ReDo is to work against infringements, abuse, and coercion in the mental health system and to strengthen the human rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities, in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).Work is centred on documentation of human rights violations in the mental health system and support for strategic litigation.

ReDo organizes an annual conference where a human rights award is given. This year’s conference focuses on ending psychiatric coercion and remedies and reparations needed for these human rights violations, and is co-organized by WSO - We Shall Overcome, Norway.

The conference language is English.

Topics that will be covered at the conference

Human rights standards relevant for ending psychiatric coercion & reparations

Severity of human rights violations and harm done

Legal reforms to end psychiatric coercion

Access to justice, effective remedies and reparations – the important role of the courts

Strategic litigation & way forward (European Court of Human Rights & other regional human rights bodies, UN treaty bodies, regional and global perspectives)


Dr. Muhannad Alazzeh, Member of the UN committee for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), International legal and human rights commissioned expert, Jordan

Dainius Pūras, Professor, Vilnius University, former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Lithuania

Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque, former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights from 2011 – 2020, Professor of Law, the Catholic University of Lisbon, Portugal

Timothy Fish Hodgson, Legal Advisor, International Commission of Jurists, South-Africa

Carlos Rios Espinosa, Human Rights Watch (HRW), former member of the UN CRPD Committee, Mexico

Tina Minkowitz, Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (CHRUSP), USA

Alberto Vasquez, Co-director, Center for Inclusive Policy (CIP), Switzerland

Oh-yong Kweon, Yein Law Office, World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP), South Korea

Steven Allen, Executive Director, Validity Foundation, Hungary

Jennifer Wairimu, Litigation Officer, Validity Foundation, Kenya

Inger-Mari Eidsvik, survivor of forced psychiatry, practitioner in an outpatient clinic for interdisciplinary specialized substance abuse treatment, clinic for mental health care and substance abuse, Norway

Olga Kalina, Chair European Network of (Ex)Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, Georgia

Diana Sheinbaum Lerner, Coordinator of the Disability and Justice Program, Documenta, Mexico

More speakers and full program to come at

The conference is open for digital participation in passive mode.

The individual organizer is responsible for the event and text, obtaining photo permission, and photo credit. For questions about content, participants, or other details, please contact the organizer directly.

Do you want to rent Wergeland?

This event will take place in Wergeland. Wergeland er Litteraturhusets storstue, med amfi og stolrader.

Bilde av Litteraturhusets hovedsal Wergeland

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