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The drama of conflict - working with theatre in urban transformation

Pilots of democratic innovation in transformation processes in European cities.

Foto av mennesker som bedriver byvandring
Foto: Lucas Leonardo Ibanez-Fæhn

Conflict in cities has reached a new level of intensity, perpetuated by the inequality produced in the production of urban environments. In response, participatory governance practices, such as co-production and co-creation, are presented as effective tools to reach consensus and avoid polarisation. At the same time, research shows that the focus on consensus in participatory processes have significant limitations. Because it leaves limited opportunity for dissent, the result is often alienation and exclusion of dissenting groups, and a general disillusionment with participatory approaches.

Drama Labs is a new innovation of Urban Living Labs that explores how conflict can be better accommodated in participatory processes in urban planning and transformation. The Drama Labs use theatre-based methods to facilitate a space in which conflicts can be performed and negotiated andenables transdisciplinary engagement between researchers and theatre makers, as well as governmental, market and civil society actors

The Drama Labs are developed as part of the JPI-Urban Europe project “CONflict in TRAnsformations” (CONTRA). In the project researchers have collaborated with the cities of Gdynia (Poland), Drammen (Norway), Genk (Belgium) and Tilburg (the Netherlands) as well as local theatre partners : Nieuwstedelijk Theatre Company (Belgium) and Gdynia Glowna Theatre (Poland), Marthe Sofie L. Eide (Norway) and Taco van Dijk (the Netherlands). At this seminar, the Drama Labs will be presented as pilots and discussed as democratic innovations in urban transformation.

The JPI-Urban Europe project CONTRA (Conflicts in transformation)

Information about Drama Labs

The individual organizer is responsible for the event and text, obtaining photo permission, and photo credit. For questions about content, participants, or other details, please contact the organizer directly.

Do you want to rent Nedjma?

This event will take place in Nedjma. Nedjma er en mellomstor sal i Litteraturhusets tredje etasje.

Bilde av salen Nedjma i 3. etasje på Litteraturhuset med tomme stolrader.

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