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NorPol's Closing Conference

Welcome to a conference on L2-communcation in workplace settings — Polish migrants in Norway.

Foto: Oliwia Szymanska

What is it like to learn and use Norwegian when you are Polish? The research project NorPol (L2 communication in the workplace: Polish migrants in Norway) invites you to an open conference!

In our project, we have investigated various conditions that contribute to inhibiting or/and promoting communication between Poles and Norwegians in the workplace. We have asked questions such as: What characterizes Norwegian language spoken by Poles? How are social relations affected by different ways of communicating? To what extent do stereotypes about Poles and Norwegians affect the way we perceive each other?

In addition to presenting and discussing our findings, we have invited exciting guests who will contribute with broader insights about our modern, multilingual (Nordic) working life and Polish-Norwegian encounters. This event promises to provide a range of insights and perspectives, offering attendees a unique opportunity to participate in stimulating discussions with researchers, filmmakers, and other distinguished guests.

We look forward to fruitful and exciting discussions!

You will find a detailed program here

The individual organizer is responsible for the event and text, obtaining photo permission, and photo credit. For questions about content, participants, or other details, please contact the organizer directly.

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This event will take place in Skram. Skram er den nest største salen på Litteraturhuset, lokalisert i andre etasje.

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