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Nytfestivalen: Naked stories (in English)

‘The moment I heard my first story I started looking for you.’ Rumi


The art of storytelling has brought calm, presence and intimate connection for thousands of years. There is a heightening or receptivity as we relax and open. In a room where everyone is held in a story, we are transported to another world and are transformed in the process.

This rich tapestry of tales interwoven with song reveals the secrets of love and intimacy as we journey in the twinkling of an eye between the worlds of the Celts, of Persia and of North Africa.

Come and see how your nervous system responds to the exquisite experience of these stories as a way to to become still, connected and expanded and also integrate your experience of the festival.

Speaker: Anglea Halvorsen Bogo

The individual organizer is responsible for the event and text, obtaining photo permission, and photo credit. For questions about content, participants, or other details, please contact the organizer directly.

Do you want to rent Berner?

This event will take place in Berner. Berner-kjelleren er en mellomstor sal i underetasjen på Litteraturhuset.

Bilde av salen Berner i kjelleren på Litteraturhuset, med et portrett av Mia Berner på veggen.

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