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Nytfestivalen: Tantrickink, Tantric spanking

Welcome to a safe and playful ride in play with polarities – power and surrender – the leader and the follower.

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Organised byNytfestivalen

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Illustrasjon med logo og tidspunkt for Nytfestivalen 2023

Welcome to a safe and playful ride in play with polarities – power and surrender – the leader and the follower. You will be guided in how to play from your core, and taught how to give a tantric spanking session. You might discover that spanking is not what you think it is.

The workshop is as nude as you like, as long as you keep your underwear on. No need to pair up before, but then you might end up playing with someone you don’t like, which also might be good training.

The individual organizer is responsible for the event and text, obtaining photo permission, and photo credit. For questions about content, participants, or other details, please contact the organizer directly.

Do you want to rent Nedjma?

This event will take place in Nedjma. Nedjma er en mellomstor sal i Litteraturhusets tredje etasje.

Bilde av salen Nedjma i 3. etasje på Litteraturhuset med tomme stolrader.

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