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Open mic: special edition

With Namra Saleem

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Organised byLitteraturhuset

In the basement of the House of Literature, we turn on the microphone for those who want to perform slam poetry, read a part of a short story, prose poem, diary entry, a fragment of a novel, a political piece for public debate , or maybe song lyrics with or without a guitar? The text can be poetic, political, personal, and you can read in Norwegian, English, Somali or another language. This is the place for
unestablished writers and poets. The host for the night is Namra Saleem. She is a journalist, musician and writer, and her debut novel I morgen vi ler [Tomorrow we laugh] was published in 2016.

Maximum 3 minutes each, sign up from 7 pm.

With Namra Saleem Kjelleren Litteraturhuset Somali Days. A Nation of Poets

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