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Remembrance of Things Coming

Siri Hustvedt and Linn Ullmann

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Organised byLitteraturhuset

Siri Hustvedt and Linn Ullmann

How many other people, events, conversations, and stories of dead parents have I forgotten? How many Wandas are there? Hundreds, I would guess.

S.H. was in her early twenties when she moved to New York to write for a year. This is where she meets Wanda, where her neighbor drives her crazy reciting “I am so sad” for hours every night, and where she keeps a diary as well as writing fiction in a notebook. All of this is forgotten. Until the day forty years later, when the notebook suddenly turns up when her mother is moving to a smaller apartment.

In Siri Hustvedt’s new novel Memories of the Future, the grown up and well established writer S.H. enters into dialogue with twenty-year-old S.H., with her reflections, her writing and her experiences.

For her last novel, This Blazing World, Hustvedt was nominated for the prestigious Man Booker Prize. She has also made her mark in the fields of neuroscience and psychiatry, knowledge that emerges in both her fiction and essays.

What do we forget, and how can we use our memories? The writer Linn Ullmann is among those who have long followed Hustvedt’s writing, and in her last novel, Unquiet, she also examines the past and how we remember. This evening, the two will meet in conversation.

The event will be in English.

Litteraturhuset Wergeland English

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