Sea Change | Exhibition

A photo documentary about young Europeans | 12.01-01.02

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Organised byLitteraturhuset

A photo documentary about young Europeans | 12.01-01.02

What does it mean to be young in today’s Europe?

Across the continent, this new generation face challenging questions: Will I be able to get an education and a job? Will I have to move away from my friends and family? Will I be able to afford a home? What will happen to me if I become sick or when I grow old? Will I be able to fulfil my dreams and ambitions?

The aftermath of the global financial meltdown that started in 2007 leads to increased uncertainty about the future of Europe. In most European countries, unemployment is high, and especially among the young. At the same time, many countries struggle with crippling debt and sluggish economic growth. Also, the geopolitical role of Europe is under scrutiny as new global powers and alliances emerge.

The goal of Project Sea Change is to document the lives of the generation that is the immediate future of Europe. During the last two years some of the most accomplished documentary photographers in the world have gone on assignment to spend time with young people in 13 European countries.

NORWAY | Marie von Krogh
SPAIN | Pep Bonet
GERMANY | Fabian Weiß
ROMANIA | Donald Weber
GREECE | Yannis Kontos
UNITED KINGDOM | Jocelyn Bain Hogg
LATVIA | Bénédicte Kurzen
PORTUGAL | José Sarmento Matos
IRELAND | Declan Browne
CZECH REPUBLIC | Robin Maddock
ICELAND | Tommy Ellingsen
POLAND | Maciek Nabrdalik
MALTA | Joanna Demarco

The exhibition is open within the House of Literature opening hours.
(Mon-Thu 10 am-00.30 am, Fri-Sat 10 am-2 am, Sun 12 am-8 pm).

See and read more about the exhibition. (/export/sites/litteraturhuset/vedlegg/Bildetekster_til_utstilling.pdf)

sea change; English idiom. Describes a radical change. First appeared in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The dead father’s body on the bottom of the ocean is transformed into coral and pearls. Something beautiful grows out of a tragedy.

Full fathom five thy father lies
Of his bones are coral made
Those are pearls that were his eyes
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea change
Into something rich and strange

William Shakespeare, The Tempest

THE NEW EUROPE | JAN 12th-15th
To mark the opening of the exhibition the House of Literature organizes a conferanse on the New Europe with amongst others Silvia Avallone, Luuk van Middelaar, Wolfgang Streeck, Rena Dourou and Geert Mak.

SEE FULL PROGRAM (/seachange_english)


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