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Czech Literature: Jáchym Topol’s book launch

Join us for the book launch of Jáchym Topol’s novel "Et følsomt menneske" ("A Sensitive Person") and celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, which brought back freedom and democracy to Czechoslovakia.

Foto: Ondřej Němec

Jáchym Topol is a writer who was very much affected by the communist regime. Barred from going to the university, he worked as a stoker and warehouseman instead, and was arrested due to his anti-regime activities.

Although Topol’s work carries a heavy burden of oppression, the language is characterized by its dreaminess, playfulness, irony and humour.

Topol’s writing is very distinct, full of neologisms, dialects and slang, making it particularly hard to translate. Therefore, we will welcome one of the two translators Éva Dobos to join the event and share her and Harald Strands methods of translating this novel into the Norwegian language.

Opening remarks by the ambassador of the Czech Republic to Norway, David Červenka

Jáchym Topol, Czech novelist, poet, and program director of the Václav Havel Library
Éva Dobos, translator from and into Norwegian

The event will be held by Vesna Evans, Czech author currently living in Norway

The individual organizer is responsible for the event and text, obtaining photo permission, and photo credit. For questions about content, participants, or other details, please contact the organizer directly.

Do you want to rent Berner?

This event will take place in Berner. Berner-kjelleren er en mellomstor sal i underetasjen på Litteraturhuset.

Bilde av salen Berner i kjelleren på Litteraturhuset, med et portrett av Mia Berner på veggen.

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