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For children and young people

The House of Literature aims to awaken the joy of reading, especially in children and young people! We produce engaging events and digital content for kindergartens, schools, and families.

 Illustration of the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood
Illustration: Camilla Kuhn

Welcome to The House of Literature! We are a house for everyone who loves books and have many fun activities for children and young people. We offer storytime for kindergartens, school visits for all grade levels, and events for the whole family.

In addition to everything happening at the house, we also have a lot of digital content for children. We produce several different video series and engaging podcasts. Our digital content is always free of charge. Some of our school visits are also made available digitally for schools outside of Oslo.

The House of Literatures program for children and young people primarily takes place in Norwegian. However, English speakers can enjoy our video series "Multilingual Storytelling Session," where fairy tales are told in Norwegian and another language simultaneously.

If you want to browse our Norwegian content for children and young people, click the language icon in the top-right corner to view the Norwegian website.