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My African Reading List

In "My African Reading List", established authors talk about authors and books from the African continent and diaspora that are on their reading list.

Header My African Reading List

As part of Litteraturhusets podcast, we have released six special episodes about African literature. The series is called "My African Reading List" and is an English-language podcast series where estabelished authors visit The House of Literature to talk about their own work, and the authors and books from the African continent and diaspora that are on their reading list.

These authors have appeared on the podcast:

Portrait of Jennifer Makumbi

Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi

Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi is a Ugandan British writer, known for her debut novel Kintu, an epic family saga spanning from the 18th century until our time.

igoni portrett

Igoni Barrett:

Nigerian author Igoni Barrett has made a mark with his authorship, being known for his uncompromising writing: he does not adapt to a typical Western audience. In this episode he shares his favorite books and authors.

leila portrett

Leila Aboulela:

The Sudan born author Leila Aboulela has published a number of award winning novels, short story collections and plays. Among them, the powerfull River Spirit, the first novel in a planned series about Scotland's role in the Biritsh colonization of the Sudan. Listen and find out which authors that are on her reading list.

masande portrett

Masande Ntshanga:

The award winning South African author Masande Ntshanga is known for his genre-bending writing, mixing poetry with prose, science fiction with historical events. These authors and books are on his reading list.

maaza portrett

Maaza Mengiste:

Ethiopian american Maaza Mengiste has emphasized that she is particularly interested in exploring women's role in the resistance movement in Ethiopias recent history. In this episode she shares with us her favorite authors and books.

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Nadifa Mohamed:

With the novel The Fortune Men Nadifa Mohamed was shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 2021, as the first British Somali novelist. Listen to find out which authors and books that are on her reading list.

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Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor:

Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor started working on her debut novel Dust in 2007, the same year as the presidential election in the authors country of origin, Kenya, triggered bloody riots. Today she is considered one of the leading young African writers. In this episode she shares which books and authors that are on her reading list.