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Black Paper

An audiovisual presentation by Teju Cole

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Arrangert avLitteraturhuset

An audiovisual presentation by Teju Cole

“I feel myself in all places, from New York City to rural Switzerland, the custodian of a black body, and have to find the language for all of what that means to me and to the people who look at me.”

—from “Known and Strange Things”

What is black? What is it like to inhabit a black body, to live as black, in Trump’s America? How does that affect everyday life and how ​one receives every new and outrageous piece of politics, law or presidential order? What are the dimensions of darkness, visual and metaphorical, in the current American political order?

In Black ​Paper, which was initially staged at the 2017 Performa biennial in New York​ City​, Teju Cole explores these questions in a way that made many critics conclude that it w​as one of the highlights of the festival.

Black ​Paper is a work in progress, and at Litteraturhuset, Cole will present an audio-visual essay responding to the present political situation.
Duration: App. 60 minutes.

You can also buy a combined ticket for the performance and the following conversation between Teju Cole, Valeria Luiselli and Nadifa Mohamed at 7.30pm, Precarious Bodies. (

Litteraturhuset Wergeland sesongåpning English

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