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Open Mic - Caribbean Edition

With Sheldon Blackman

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Arrangert avLitteraturhuset

With Sheldon Blackman

Once again, we turn on the microphone in the basement of the House of Literature, and open the floor to anyone who wants to perform slam poetry, read from a short story, a prose poem, a journal entry, fragments of a novel, or maybe a song, with or without guitar? Your text can be poetic, political, personal, and you may perform in Norwegian, English, Spanish, French, Creole or another language from Central America.

The host of the evening is Sheldon Blackman. A musician, songwriter and spoken word-artist with a background from Trinidad and Tobago, Blackman contributed to Nordic Black Theatre’s performance Legends, a tribute to Bob Marley and Peter Tosh.

Maximum three minutes each. Sign up from 8pm.

Litteraturhuset Kjelleren Åpen mikrofon English Backyard Boom

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