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Arrangert avPen Afghanistan

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Afghanistan PEN panel on Freedom of Expression and Women's Rights

Join us on November 25th at 13:30 at Oslo Literature House (Wergelandsveien 29, 0167 Oslo, Norway) for an insightful panel. Members of the Afghanistan PEN Board, representing voices from inside Afghanistan, Turkey, and France, will discuss the current state of freedom of expression, women's rights, and the development of literary and cultural initiatives in Afghanistan and the diaspora community.

Speakers include Shafik Payam, a prominent socio-political satirist and editor-in-chief of "BAZTAB" and "Kelk-i-Rastgovi." Shafik Payam, who came to Oslo from Afghanistan, brings a unique perspective on the literary landscape.

Sina Rawish, head of PEN Afghanistan in France and a women's rights activist, will share her experiences and insights as a civil society activist and media translator who was evacuated to France in 2021. She now manages the French branch of PEN Afghanistan.

Homayoun Hayri, a distinguished Afghan media personality and former head of Ayane TV, will shed light on the current media landscape. As the head of the Turkish language section of PEN Afghanistan and the Turkish branch of PEN, his expertise adds depth to the discussion.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing Afghanistan and its diaspora. Be part of the conversation on shaping the future of freedom of expression, women's rights, and cultural activities in Afghanistan.

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