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Rape as a Weapon

The Saladin Lecture by Ibrahim Olabi

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The International Saladin Days 2019 The Saladin Lecture by Ibrahim Olabi

“During one brutal interrogation, she was stripped naked and penetrated “in every body cavity”, including her anus”, reads an excerpt about one of the victims in a 2017 report on sexualized violence in Assad’s prisons.

In prison, conflict and war, women are exposed to particularly sexualized violence. Several women who have survived brutal imprisonment in Syria are part of lawsuit initiatives against the current government. How may these initiatives contribute to hold the government responsible for their crimes, and to better the situation for Syrian women?

Ibrahim Olabi works with human rights issues connected to the Syrian conflict, such as sexualized violence against women.

The lecture will be in English.

Litteraturhuset Wergeland English

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