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What does Universalism mean in 2014?

Debate with Ola Mestad, Helge Jordheim, Hanna Helseth, Rana Issa and Marte Michelet

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A Norwegian panel has followed the lecture series at the House of Literature where six pronounced international authors and intellectuals has spoken about the relevance of universalism in today’s world. Six lectures on the idea of universalism seen from different geographical, political and theoretical points of view It is time for summarization and answers: Does the universal still hold relevance in the world of today? Has this lecture series provided us with new understandings of our own society, and the fundament that we believe our constitution to be founded on?

The panel consists of Professor of law Ola Mestad, Professor of Cultural History Helge Jordheim and the writer and sociologist Hannah Helseth and more. The panel is moderated by Marte Michelet.

Wergeland Litteraturhuset Debate with Ola Mestad, Helge Jordheim, Hanna Helseth and Marte Michelet Universalisme 2014

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