Writing in Blood

Three days of conversations, lectures and events from Édouard Louis's writing and work

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Arrangert avLitteraturhuset

Three days of conversations, lectures and events from Édouard Louis's writing and work

What does it mean to be a political writer? How do you write in a violent world, about loss and grief, buht also about beauty and love?

Writers Anne Carson, Sofi Oksanen, Alan Hollinghurst, Maaza Mengiste and Didier Eribon join Édouard Louis in delving into these and other questions when the House of Literature hosts three days of lectures, conversations and performances, branching out from themes central to the writing of Louis and those of the other star guests: Violence, class, racism, homophobia, liberation and transformation

Wergeland In English The full program will be out in October. Litteraturhuset

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